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National Key Point Training in Katlehong

National Key Point Training in Katlehong

The South African government has implemented the National Key Point program to protect certain places, buildings and infrastructure from threats. Katlehong is one of the towns in South Africa that have a designated National Key Point training program, which is held by a registered security company.

Who Needs to Attend the Training?

The National Key Point Training program is available to all security personnel who will be responsible for protecting or monitoring key points. This includes security guards, police officers, firefighters and other related professionals. The training is also available to anyone interested in gaining knowledge about the security protocols and regulations of key points in Katlehong.

How Often is the Training Held?

The National Key Point Training program is held twice a year in Katlehong. Participants can choose to attend the training either in person or online.

What Topics are Covered in the Training?

The National Key Point Training program covers various topics related to security management and operations. These include an overview of the key point system, identifying threats and assessing risk, security protocols and procedures, operational planning and implementation, crisis management, and more.

How is the Training Conducted?

The training is conducted through lectures, role plays, practical exercises, and other activities. Participants have the opportunity to practice the skills they have learned in real-life scenarios.

Who are the Trainers?

The trainers for the National Key Point Training program are experienced professionals who have expertise in security management and operations. They use interactive teaching methods to ensure that participants can understand the concepts and apply them in practice.

How Much Does the Training Cost?

The cost of the National Key Point Training program depends on the duration of the training and the number of participants. Generally, it costs between R1000 and R3000 per participant.

How do I Register for the Training?

Registration for the National Key Point Training program can be done online via the security company’s website or by contacting them directly. Upon registration, you will receive further information regarding the training including dates, times, and other important details.

For those interested in learning more about protecting key points in Katlehong, the National Key Point Training program is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and skills.

National Key Point Training Price in Katlehong

National Key Point Training Price in Katlehong


SASSETA Skills Levels i Training
SASSETA Skills Levels ii Training
SASSETA Skills Levels iii Training
SASSETA Skills Levels iV Training
SASSETA Skills Levels V Training

Duties of National key Point Officer

Armed Response Training in Katlehong

Armed Response Training in Katlehong

For those looking to protect their homes, families, and businesses in South Africa, Armed Response Training is an excellent choice. Many people in the area rely on the service to provide added security, particularly those living in high-crime areas like Katlehong. With armed response training, people can learn to protect themselves in times of danger and respond accordingly.

What You Will Learn:

When taking an armed response training course, you will be taught the following:

• How to use a firearm properly and safely

• Different types of firearms and when to use them

• Proper self-defense techniques

• How to stay alert and aware of your surroundings

• How to interact with armed assailants

• Strategies for avoiding dangerous situations

Where To Find Courses:

Armed response courses are offered by private instructors as well as organizations. Most of the classes are held in locations near major cities such as Johannesburg and Pretoria, but some are also available in smaller towns. The best way to find a course in your area is to search online for training centers and instructors that offer the services.

What It Costs:

The cost of taking an armed response course varies depending on the type of course and the duration. Generally, a basic course lasts around three days and costs around R500-R900. The cost of more advanced courses can go up to R2,500 or more. Additionally, some courses require additional fees for ammunition and firearms rental.

Q. What qualifications do I need to take an armed response course?

A. You must be 18 years of age or older, have a valid South African ID, and have no criminal record.

Q. Are firearms provided for use in the course?

A. Some instructors may provide firearms for use during the course, but it is recommended that you bring your own firearm if you already own one.

Q. Is there an exam or assessment at the end of the course?

A. Yes, most courses will require an assessment or exam at the end to ensure that you have fully understood the content of the course.

Refresher National key Point Officer

We have Novice and Refresher National key Point Officer Training in Katlehong

Accredited National key Point Training

Our Accredited National key Point Training in Katlehong is Accredited

Free Accomodation

Free Accomodation is available for Distant National key Point Students

Cash in Transit Training in Katlehong

Cash in Transit Training in Katlehong

Cash in Transit (CIT) training is essential for personnel who transport and handle large amounts of cash. Katlehong, a township located in Gauteng, South Africa, is home to many CIT service providers, making it an important hub for training in this field.

To ensure that CIT staff is adequately equipped to handle the challenges of their job, training courses are offered in Katlehong which cover a wide range of topics related to cash handling. This includes proper cash counting techniques, as well as basic security measures.

In addition to classroom-based teaching, CIT trainees can also get hands-on experience during practical sessions. These involve simulated scenarios such as armed robberies, emergency first-aid, and proper communication with the police.

By the end of the course, trainees should have gained the necessary skills to confidently deal with the situations they may face on their job. In addition to this, they should be able to recognize dangerous situations quickly and know how to respond appropriately to protect both themselves and the money they are responsible for.

Ensuring that CIT personnel receive adequate training is essential for protecting both people and assets during transportation. The courses available in Katlehong can help to ensure that those involved in CIT operations have the knowledge and confidence to stay safe in any situation.

Rear view of security system operator looking at CCTV footage at desk in office

CCTV & Control Room Training in Katlehong

CCTV & Control Room Training in Katlehong

Katlehong is a bustling township located in the Gauteng province of South Africa. It is home to thousands of people, many of whom need proper security and surveillance. To protect their property and businesses, CCTV & Control Room Training in Katlehong can help.

CCTV & Control Room Training in Katlehong is conducted by experienced professionals who have the necessary skills and qualifications to keep residents safe and secure. The program focuses on the installation, maintenance, and operation of a complete CCTV system. With their help, you will learn how to set up cameras, analyze footage, and maintain the equipment. This type of training is crucial for anyone looking to install a CCTV system in their property or business.

The installation process involves setting up the cameras, cabling, and other components to ensure the system is properly connected and ready to be used. The maintenance process includes regularly inspecting the cameras, making sure they are operating properly and performing any necessary repairs. Finally, the costs of installing a CCTV system depend on the number of cameras and components that need to be purchased.

In addition to learning how to install, maintain, and operate a CCTV system, the training program also covers the different components of a CCTV system. Participants will learn about lenses, monitors, sensors, and other components that work together to create a comprehensive surveillance network.

With the help of CCTV & Control Room Training in Katlehong, residents and businesses can rest assured that their property is safe and secure. By understanding the installation process, maintenance process, costs, and components of a CCTV system, residents can make an informed decision about which system is best for them.

Firearms Reaction Training in Katlehong

Firearms Reaction Training in Katlehong

Retail Security Officer Training in Katlehong

Retail Security Officer Training in Katlehong

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