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National Key Point Training in Diepsloot

National Key Point Training in Diepsloot

In South Africa, National Key Point Training is a mandatory training course for security personnel and anyone else responsible for guarding and protecting vital infrastructure, including airports, power plants, government buildings, and any other facilities deemed to be of national importance. This training program is designed to help ensure that those charged with protecting these key points are well-prepared and have the knowledge and skills necessary to protect the people and assets that depend on them.

In Diepsloot, South Africa, the National Key Point Training Program (NKPT) is available to any security personnel or anyone else who needs to learn the necessary skills to guard and protect important locations. This training program is provided by the Department of Safety and Security, with support from various law enforcement and security agencies.

The NKPT training in Diepsloot is designed to teach security personnel how to respond in a variety of high-risk situations. It covers a range of topics such as risk assessment, access control, physical security measures, surveillance techniques, emergency response protocols, search and rescue procedures, and criminal law. The training also includes practical skills such as unarmed self-defense and the use of firearms.

The frequency of the National Key Point Training in Diepsloot depends on the type of facility being guarded. For example, airports may require more frequent training than other facilities. However, all personnel responsible for guarding key points must complete the NKPT at least once every two years.

The benefits of taking part in the NKPT training program are numerous. Security personnel will gain essential knowledge and skills that will enable them to better protect the facilities they are responsible for. They will also gain a greater understanding of their role in protecting the public, as well as an increased awareness of potential threats and vulnerabilities.

Finally, taking part in the NKPT in Diepsloot will give personnel the confidence they need to carry out their duties effectively. By being properly trained, they can be sure that they are doing everything they can to protect their key points and prevent any harm from coming to those who depend on them.

National Key Point Training Price in Diepsloot

National Key Point Training Price in Diepsloot


SASSETA Skills Levels i Training
SASSETA Skills Levels ii Training
SASSETA Skills Levels iii Training
SASSETA Skills Levels iV Training
SASSETA Skills Levels V Training

Duties of National key Point Officer

Armed Response Training in Diepsloot

Armed Response Training in Diepsloot

Armed Response Training in Diepsloot is designed to equip you with the skills to respond to threats and emergencies safely and efficiently. This training provides a comprehensive education on the use of firearms, as well as other emergency protocols and techniques.

The course is divided into two parts: theory and practical. In the theory portion of the course, students will receive a thorough education on how to safely operate a firearm and make sound tactical decisions. Topics include safety, marksmanship, and maintenance of firearms, weapon familiarization, legal issues related to the use of firearms, and more. The practical component of the course allows students to put their newly acquired knowledge into practice in a controlled setting. Students are taught techniques such as loading and unloading a weapon, target acquisition, shooting stances, and other drills.

The Armed Response Training in Diepsloot program also offers self-defense courses that cover topics such as situational awareness, body language, and physical responses to danger. Participants will be equipped with the skills needed to stay safe in a variety of dangerous situations.

In addition to the courses offered at the training facility, Armed Response Training in Diepsloot also offers optional courses for those wishing to hone their skills further. These include defensive driving courses, first aid courses, and advanced weapon tactics courses.

By completing the Armed Response Training in Diepsloot program, participants will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to respond to any threat or emergency situation safely and effectively. This training will not only provide them with the skills necessary for personal protection, but also for the protection of their families and communities.

Refresher National key Point Officer

We have Novice and Refresher National key Point Officer Training in Diepsloot

Accredited National key Point Training

Our Accredited National key Point Training in Diepsloot is Accredited

Free Accomodation

Free Accomodation is available for Distant National key Point Students

Cash in Transit Training in Diepsloot

Cash in Transit Training in Diepsloot

Diepsloot is one of the most densely populated townships in South Africa and is located just outside of Johannesburg. As such, it is a popular spot for cash-in-transit companies to provide services. Due to the high levels of crime in the area, it is also essential for these companies to provide proper training for their employees to ensure that their security is up to standard.

Cash-in-transit training in Diepsloot involves teaching guards the necessary skills needed to work as security guards at cash-in-transit companies. This includes understanding the various laws governing the movement and storage of cash, weapons handling and use and maintaining a safe and secure environment during cash pickups and drop-offs. Guards must also learn how to identify and respond to potential threats, and how to properly handle any situations that may arise.

In addition to these core skills, cash-in-transit guards must also be trained in customer service and communication techniques. This is because guards are often required to interact with customers who may be in difficult or dangerous situations. They need to remain calm and professional while ensuring that the safety of the customer and any other parties involved is not compromised.

The training also includes physical exercises, such as running and obstacle courses, as well as defensive tactics training. This helps prepare guards for any potentially dangerous situation they may encounter. Once all of this has been completed, guards will have to pass a final assessment before they can begin working as a cash-in-transit guards in Diepsloot.

Cash-in-transit training in Diepsloot is an essential part of becoming a successful guard in the area. By completing the training, guards will be better equipped to protect people and property while on duty and will be able to remain calm and professional under pressure.

Rear view of security system operator looking at CCTV footage at desk in office

CCTV & Control Room Training in Diepsloot

CCTV & Control Room Training in Diepsloot

Firearms Reaction Training in Diepsloot

Firearms Reaction Training in Diepsloot

Retail Security Officer Training in Diepsloot

Retail Security Officer Training in Diepsloot

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