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National Key Point Training in Port Elizabeth 

National Key Point Training in Port Elizabeth 

Port Elizabeth is home to one of the most important National Key Point Training locations in South Africa. The National Key Point Training Programme, which is designed and monitored by the South African Police Service, was established in terms of the National Key Point Act of 1980. This program trains security personnel to protect strategically important sites in the country.

Who May Attend National Key Point Training?

National Key Point Training is open to security personnel such as police officers, security guards and private security officers who are employed or contracted to work at sites that are considered National Key Points (NKPs). NKPs may include strategic locations such as military bases, power stations, major transport hubs, dams and reservoirs, national monuments and other sites of importance to national security.

How often is National Key Point Training conducted?

National Key Point Training sessions are held regularly throughout the year, and training is compulsory for all security personnel assigned to an NKP. The duration of the training varies depending on the complexity and importance of the site being guarded.

Why is National Key Point Training Important?

National Key Point Training ensures that security personnel has the necessary skills and knowledge to protect strategic sites from unauthorized access and harm. It also helps to ensure that security personnel has a thorough understanding of their duties and responsibilities while protecting NKPs. Furthermore, it helps to ensure that security personnel is aware of their legal rights and obligations when dealing with any threat or potential security breach.

National Key Point Training Price in Port Elizabeth 

National Key Point Training Price in Port Elizabeth 


SASSETA Skills Levels i Training
SASSETA Skills Levels ii Training
SASSETA Skills Levels iii Training
SASSETA Skills Levels iV Training
SASSETA Skills Levels V Training

Duties of National key Point Officer

Armed Response Training in Port Elizabeth 

Armed Response Training in Port Elizabeth 

Port Elizabeth is one of the main cities in South Africa, and it is known for its high crime rate. To keep citizens safe, many people are turning to armed response training to protect themselves and their property.

Armed response training is a course that teaches individuals how to use firearms to defend themselves against attack. The training covers topics such as legalities, safety measures, proper handling of weapons, and self-defense techniques. It also helps participants become familiar with the local gun laws and regulations.

The cost of armed response training varies, depending on the type of program you choose and the duration of the training. Most courses range from R500 to R1500 for a single-day course. For longer courses, the costs may increase significantly.

The difference between armed response training and self-defense training is that the former focuses on teaching people how to use firearms to protect themselves. Self-defense classes, on the other hand, focus on teaching non-lethal techniques such as chokeholds and escapes.

When it comes to armed response training, there are several different types available. Basic firearm safety courses are the most common, but there are also courses for more advanced shooters. Courses can be tailored to specific needs such as home defense, concealed carry, and personal protection. There are even courses specifically designed for women, which focus on teaching techniques that can help them better defend themselves against attack.

For those living in Port Elizabeth, armed response training can be an invaluable tool in helping keep them safe and secure. By taking the necessary steps to learn how to properly handle and use firearms, they can be better prepared to protect themselves against any potential threat.

Refresher National key Point Officer

We have Novice and Refresher National key Point Officer Training in Port Elizabeth 

Accredited National key Point Training

Our Accredited National key Point Training in Port Elizabeth  is Accredited

Free Accomodation

Free Accomodation is available for Distant National key Point Students

Cash in Transit Training in Port Elizabeth 

Cash in Transit Training in Port Elizabeth 

Port Elizabeth is a major city in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, making it a great destination for those looking to receive quality cash in transit training. The city is home to numerous cash-in-transit companies that are highly experienced in training and security services. When searching for a training provider in Port Elizabeth, it’s important to choose a reputable provider that can offer comprehensive and up-to-date training. This will ensure you have the necessary knowledge and skills required to be successful in the cash-in-transit industry.

When considering cash-in-transit training in Port Elizabeth, there are several things to consider. Firstly, you should look for a training provider who has a proven track record in the industry and can provide evidence of previous successful training. They should also be able to provide the necessary resources and tools required to complete the training course. Finally, they should have an understanding of the laws and regulations related to cash-in-transit services in South Africa, so that they are prepared for any potential legal issues. By making sure you choose the right provider for your needs, you can guarantee you get the best training possible and become a qualified Cash in Transit professional.

Rear view of security system operator looking at CCTV footage at desk in office

CCTV & Control Room Training in Port Elizabeth 

CCTV & Control Room Training in Port Elizabeth 

Port Elizabeth is home to one of the most efficient and secure control rooms in South Africa. With its sophisticated security measures and a well-trained workforce, it is no surprise that the city has become a leader in CCTV & Control Room Training.

At Port Elizabeth’s Security Training Institute, participants are given comprehensive training in CCTV operations and control room techniques. The course covers everything from camera selection, installation and maintenance, to record-keeping and data management. Participants are also taught the principles of network infrastructure and remote monitoring, as well as best practices for operating CCTV systems.

The course includes a combination of theoretical lessons and hands-on training, allowing participants to gain practical experience in the operation of control rooms and CCTV systems. The trainers have highly experienced security professionals, and their expertise ensures that participants learn all the necessary skills to confidently manage their control room.

At the end of the course, participants will have gained the skills needed to operate their own CCTV systems efficiently and securely. They will also be able to troubleshoot any problems quickly, allowing them to reduce downtime and improve the performance of their control room.

The Security Training Institute also offers ongoing support for its courses, providing participants with advice and guidance as needed. This ensures that all participants can stay up-to-date on the latest industry developments, and keep their CCTV & Control Room Training up to date.

By taking part in Port Elizabeth’s CCTV & Control Room Training, participants can ensure that they have all the skills they need to confidently run their control room. With the right training, they can feel confident that their control room is secure and that their CCTV system is operating efficiently.

Firearms Reaction Training in Port Elizabeth 

Firearms Reaction Training in Port Elizabeth 

Port Elizabeth is the largest city in the Eastern Cape of South Africa and has a vibrant gun culture. As such, there are several shooting ranges and training courses in and around the city that offer firearms reaction training.

Reaction training involves teaching shooters how to react quickly and accurately when confronted with a dangerous situation. This type of training is especially important for anyone who is involved in law enforcement or security work, as well as any civilian who wants to be able to protect themselves in the event of an emergency.

At a firearms reaction course in Port Elizabeth, students will learn the basics of defensive shooting, including stance, movement, trigger control and target acquisition. They will also learn techniques for making split-second decisions, such as assessing threats and engaging targets. Finally, students will be taught safe weapons handling and storage.

Port Elizabeth also offers a variety of other training courses, such as tactical firearms and advanced shooting courses. Regardless of what kind of firearms course you are looking for, you can be sure that you will find something suitable in Port Elizabeth.

Retail Security Officer Training in Port Elizabeth 

Retail Security Officer Training in Port Elizabeth 

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