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National Key Point Training in Johannesburg

National Key Point Training in Johannesburg

National Key Point training is a program established by the South African government to promote safety and security at important national installations. The training provides individuals with the skills and knowledge to safeguard these facilities, protect personnel and property, and respond to threats.

Who Needs to Attend the Training?

The National Key Point Training program is mandatory for all individuals who work at designated key points such as defense facilities, power plants, communication infrastructure, airports, and ports. In addition, private security personnel hired by businesses or government agencies in South Africa are also required to complete the training.

How Often is the Training Held?

The National Key Point Training program is held every three months at locations throughout Johannesburg. Training sessions are also available online for those who are unable to attend in person.

What Topics are Covered in the Training?

The training covers topics related to security and safety such as responding to threats, understanding the legal framework of security operations, and recognizing suspicious behavior. It also provides instructions on proper search techniques, surveillance, use of force, and risk management.

How is the Training Conducted?

The National Key Point Training program is conducted using a combination of lectures, hands-on activities, and simulations. It takes approximately eight hours to complete the training.

Who are the Trainers?

The trainers are highly qualified experts in security and safety. They have extensive experience in their respective fields and have completed additional certification courses to teach the National Key Point Training program.

How do I Register for the Training?

Registration for the National Key Point Training program is done through the South African Police Services (SAPS) website. You must submit an application form and provide proof of identification and payment of the registration fee before you can be accepted into the program.

How Much Does the Training Cost?

The cost of attending the National Key Point Training program varies depending on your location. Generally, however, it costs about R600 for a one-day course.

National Key Point Training Price in Johannesburg

National Key Point Training Price in Johannesburg


SASSETA Skills Levels i Training
SASSETA Skills Levels ii Training
SASSETA Skills Levels iii Training
SASSETA Skills Levels iV Training
SASSETA Skills Levels V Training

Duties of National key Point Officer

Armed Response Training in Johannesburg

Armed Response Training in Johannesburg

Living in Johannesburg, South Africa can be a dangerous experience. With the rate of crime on the rise, many people are taking measures to protect themselves. One of the best ways to do this is by taking an armed response training course.

Armed response training courses are designed to help people stay safe in dangerous situations. These courses provide practical advice and techniques to help protect yourself and your property from armed criminals. Participants learn about security systems, the legal implications of self-defense, weapon handling and self-defense techniques.

The Armed Response Training Course in Johannesburg is designed to educate individuals on how to handle dangerous and life-threatening situations. Participants learn how to use weapons and self-defense tactics to protect themselves and their property. The course also covers the legal implications of using weapons as well as safety protocols.

At the end of the course, participants will receive a certificate of completion and a certificate of proficiency. This certification is valid for one year and provides a legal basis for using a firearm in self-defense.

The course is designed for individuals who feel they need to take extra measures to protect themselves in a dangerous environment. It is important to remember that the use of any weapon should always be a last resort in any situation.

Armed response training is not only beneficial for personal safety but it can also be used as a preventive measure. Knowing how to handle yourself and your weapon in dangerous situations can prevent violence from escalating.

If you are considering taking an armed response training course in Johannesburg, it is important to make sure you find an experienced and reputable instructor. Doing some research ahead of time will help ensure you are getting quality training and instruction.

Refresher National key Point Officer

We have Novice and Refresher National key Point Officer Training in Johannesburg

Accredited National key Point Training

Our Accredited National key Point Training in Johannesburg is Accredited

Free Accomodation

Free Accomodation is available for Distant National key Point Students

Cash in Transit Training in Johannesburg

Cash in Transit Training in Johannesburg

South Africa is no stranger to the dangers associated with cash-in-transit heists. Every year, security personnel face the risk of injury or even death due to these types of crimes. With that being said, it’s important to understand how to stay safe in the event of a cash-in-transit heist. Below are five tips for keeping you and your colleagues safe during a cash-in-transit heist:

1) Keep your cool:

In the heat of the moment, it is incredibly important to remain calm. The last thing you want to do is further escalate the situation by panicking or becoming aggressive. Keep your voice low and remain aware of your surroundings while interacting with the criminals.

2) Give them what they want:

The most important thing is to get yourself and your colleagues out of the situation safely. Cooperate with the criminals, do not attempt to fight back or negotiate, and do not resist their demands. Remember that money and goods can be replaced, but your safety should always come first.

3) Don’t be a hero:

If criminals demand something from you, it is important to comply without hesitation. Do not attempt to be a hero and fight back against the criminals as this could result in serious injury or worse. Remain compliant until you are out of the situation and seek help from authorities afterward.

4) Know your rights:

It is important to know your rights if you are ever caught in cash in transit heist. You have the right to remain silent and should never give any information about yourself or your colleagues. Remain aware of the laws surrounding cash-in-transit heists, as well as any applicable policies put in place by your employer.

5) Get Cash In Transit Training:

Taking a course in Cash In Transit training is one of the best ways to make sure you stay safe during a heist. Cash In Transit courses provide valuable information and resources on how to identify suspicious behavior, assess threats, and respond effectively to robbery situations. This type of training will help you and your team stay safe while dealing with cash-in-transit heists.

Cash-in-transit training in Johannesburg is essential for anyone working in this field. Taking a course will equip you with the necessary knowledge to handle dangerous situations should they occur, allowing you and your team to stay safe and protect yourself from harm.

Rear view of security system operator looking at CCTV footage at desk in office

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